Legal Notice


RED FACIAM is the owner of the domain with CIF: G-28697324, with address at c/ Vía Carpetana, 47- 28047 Madrid. The CONTACT email address is

We recommend to READ CAREFULLY this legal notice and other policies of our website (Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, Terms of Sale) before using our platform and services.

Any use of this website implies acceptance of all the conditions included in these and other legal documents and submission to Spanish law at all times, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.


RED FACIAM through its website provides information about its services in a generic way. The user who accesses the website, expressly acknowledges and accepts voluntarily, the responsibility for the use of this website and agrees not to perform any act that may violate the law or the conditions set forth in these legal terms, in which case it may involve the corresponding legally established responsibilities.

RED FACIAM reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates to the information contained on its website, its configuration and presentation and general conditions, as well as to remove information or temporarily suspend access to the website.

RED FACIAM cannot guarantee:

  1. The non-existence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content. Nor can it be held responsible for possible technical problems that may occur during the connection to the Internet.
  2. It is not responsible for damages that may arise from interference, omissions or computer viruses caused by causes beyond the control of the owner of the website, as well as damage caused by third parties through unlawful interference or damage to the computer system beyond the control of the owner of the website.
  3. The application of its Privacy Policy to access through third party links to this website, nor through links from this website to other websites.
    1. Any link from third parties to this website must be made to its home page or entry page, with the prior written authorization of the owner, and no modification, limitation or any type of statement may be made on the website, and must also comply with the other provisions of this regulation.
    2. In the event of links not supervised by the owner of the website, no liability will be assumed for the links or contents or consequences of the use of such links.


This website is governed by Spanish law and by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property.

All the contents included in the website (texts, audiovisual contents, source code, graphic design, signs, logos, brands, databases, computer programs, edition, programming, compilation and other elements and contents necessary for its operation) are property of the owner.

Any unauthorized use of these contents will be considered a breach of intellectual or industrial property rights and may give rise to legal consequences.

The contents that the web page may contain that are not of its ownership have the authorization of their owners for their use and communication and are protected by the corresponding intellectual property rights.

The mere browsing or use of the website does not grant in any case license or total or partial transfer of rights on intellectual property rights, being expressly prohibited any transmission, reproduction, distribution, public communication or total or partial transformation of the same without prior consent of their owners.


RED FACIAM guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data you provide to our platform and the application of the security measures established by law. If you want to know our Privacy Policy click here.