


We organize Technical Conferences

Since 2010, the Technical Conferences organized by FACIAM provide analysis, debate, exchange of knowledge, learning and contribute to generate proposals, models and advances in the response to the extreme exclusion caused by homelessness. An annual event that attracts the interest of a multitude of actors involved in addressing homelessness: administrations, social entities, academia, professionals, political parties, volunteers and citizens.

We participate in coordination and strategy development spaces.

We participate within the Ministry of Social Rights in the development of National Strategies to combat homelessness and poverty. We participate in the construction of the deinstitutionalization strategy through the Vidas Platform. At the territorial level, we are present in spaces of coordination of autonomic platforms and local forums.


All the factors that characterize and impact homelessness are the subject of analysis and discussion at our technical days: health, social protection income, housing models, employment, strategies, migratory movements. Our approach focuses on the diverse realities of homelessness: young people, women, LGBT people, migrants…