Relational bonds and social support in homelessness: Keys to intervention.
What is this study?
This research describes and analyzes the social ties of homeless people through two elements that are crucial in their trajectories and process of social inclusion: social capital and relational assets.
The analysis of this relational aggregate highlights fundamental challenges to achieve positive inclusion processes based on a social intervention in which the relationships that people establish with others play a leading role.
The capacity that we, as a society, have to resolve them satisfactorily will give rise to one or another future scenario. It will undoubtedly determine what kind of society we are and what kind of society we want to be.
Key concepts
Some graphs
Francisco Javier de Lorenzo Gilsanz
PhD in Sociology from the UNED and Diploma in Social Work from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. Professor of the Department of Social Work at UNED. He has participated in various research projects on poverty, exclusion, social capital and migrations, including the coordination of the VII FOESSA Report. As a social worker he has extensive experience with drug addicts and homeless people.
Sebastián Mora Rosado
D. in sociology from the University of Zaragoza and a degree in philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. He is a member of the José María Martín Patino Chair of the Culture of Encounter. He has participated in research on social exclusion, Third Sector of Social Action, energy poverty and sociology of religions. He has been general secretary of Cáritas Española and executive director of the FOESSA Foundation.
Anabel Ramirez Lopez
Social Worker and Criminologist by the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas where she is a FPU researcher. She belongs to the Gender, Risk and Vulnerability research group and participates in an R+D+I project on the situation of women in prisons. As a Social Worker she has experience with homeless people with addictions and with women in a situation of severe social exclusion.
Technical data sheet of the study
The general objective of this research has been to analyze the potential of the relational aggregate (social capital + relational goods) as a possible resource to reinforce the integration processes of homeless people.
Specific objectives:
The following methodology was used in this study:
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